Check out these great foodie places

Sunday, August 21, 2016


Currently in Houghton MI (Low 49 Light Rain Currently 57)
Heading to Deerbrook WI (Currently 55 Partly Sunny High 66) 

We cannot believe it already has been 6 weeks and we head off today to Wisconsin to get a sliding cargo tray installed. An incredibly fast 6 weeks that was a mixture of mostly relaxation and sightseeing of course surrounded by good food and nice people. First the foodie review after we show the view we had when we were relaxing by sitting outside and reading.

There are a lot of great places to eat in the area. The one that we ate at most was probably Roy's Pasties and Bakery. Jo's all time favorite pasty is a nontraditional pasty consisting of chicken and broccoli and cheddar cheese. The traditional pasty is also very good.

Roy's also serves a breakfast danish that is pasty-like in that cheese, egg and meat is stuffed inside a danish. Desserts are also good at this bakery.

Another place we ate at a lot was Suomi Home Bakery and Restaurant. Suomi serves a Finnish custard pancake called Pannukakku that Jo craves.

Omelets and pancakes are also very good at Suomi and they also serve a very good pasty.

The best pizza in the area is the greek pizza at The Ambassador.

We already blogged about Carmelita's in Calumet and the thimbleberry margarita.

The food there is really good too.

Another spot in Calumet worth mentioning is Connie's Kitchen which serves Bob's favorite traditional pasty in the area. They also have a Wednesday special of a green pepper pasty that is Bob's favorite nontraditional pasty. We bought extra green pepper pasties, and Roy's chicken and broccoli and traditional pasty to freeze to  have later in the year.

Since we have been here before and seen most of the places to see already we didn't do much sightseeing. We saw and blogged about the Copper Country Fire Museum in Calumet, the historic Catholic Churches in Houghton-St. Ignatius and Calumet-St. Joseph, visited 'The Gipper's' grave, visited a Canal Park on Lake Superior, it was a treat when a Tall Ship visited, toured the Birthplace of Professional Hockey in Houghton, and saw The Blooze Brothers in the historic Calumet Theater. We kinda felt like we didn't do much but if you stack it all up together that wasn't too bad. We still have a couple of things we can do the next time we are here.

Like we said we mostly relaxed and most of that was sitting outside and reading. We lost track of how many books we read. All in all it was a great time in Houghton.

We head today to Wisconsin to get a sliding cargo tray in our basement area.

Till next time,

Bob and Jo

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it was a wonderful time...eating out, reading, dotted with some sightseeing!As full-timers, we don't have to be under the tyranny of go, go, go. :-)
