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Friday, July 10, 2015


Currently in Goodyear AZ (Low 79 Sunny High 103) 

You know you are getting old when movie series you watched years ago are rebooted with a younger cast. These movies include 'Star Trek', 'Spiderman', 'Superman' and now 'Terminator' among others.  We recently saw 'Terminator: Genisys'. 

The best way to reboot a series, especially a science fiction series like 'Star Trek' or 'Terminator', is to create a new timeline. This is accomplished by the Arnold Schwarzenegger T800 Terminator being sent earlier to protect Sarah Conner by a person or persons unknown at this time allowing younger actors. Then there is more time travel, this time into the future. This allows an older Arnold to play the role since he is encased in human skin which ages making his starring quasi believable. There is a great scene where the CGI version of the younger Arnold and the older Arnold engage in a battle.

The new timeline moves judgement day, the rise of the machines, later and ties it into the smartphone and tablet era. Since we are fans of all things 'Terminator' we liked the reboot and look forward to the sequels. There are a few references to the older movies which was neat. All in all we liked the movie and recommend it.

Till next time,

Bob and Jo


  1. Paul does not like seeing movies...unless they are on TV and he can sit in his recliner...hehe

  2. Seems like everything now ids designed to remind me that I am old:)
