Check out these great foodie places

Monday, July 13, 2015


Currently in Goodyear AZ (Low 79 Sunny High 107) 

We had an Inside and Out kind of day recently. First we saw the movie 'Inside Out'.

This is Pixar's latest film. Pixar is the studio that has brought us 'Toy Story', 'Finding Nemo', 'Cars' and many others. 'Inside Out' deals with the voices inside your head; joy, disgust, fear, anger and sadness. The voices begin with the birth of Riley and follows this little girl as she grows up. It is a feel good movie that makes you laugh and Bob got even a little teary eyed a couple of times. Some of the best scenes deal with the voices inside the other people in Riley's lives.

We went to lunch at In-n-Out which is Bob's favorite chain burger and in Jo's top 5.

We both got double doubles (double meat double cheese). Bob got his 'animal style' from the not so secret menu.

An INside aNd OUT kind of day.

Till next time,

Bob and Jo


  1. If you going to be inside out-that is the best way:)

  2. We'd like to see this one also but may wait for it to come to the $2 theater. We did go see San Andreas and really enjoyed it. Sure looking forward to see you Wednesday.
