Check out these great foodie places

Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Currently in Kerrville TX (Low 27 Mostly Sunny: Cooler High 48) 

We want to wish everyone a Happy New Year!! 

For a yearly review we include here what we sent with our Christmas cards this year. 

We had another great year of full-timing. Jo’s neck and back pain are always with us but she just said she was going to live her life and enjoy this great country as much as possible. This year was tough on her so we shortened our trips and tried to stay longer at each visit. 

We spent last Christmas at our new normal winter spot in Kerrville Texas and stayed till early April for Bob’s recovery from his thyroid surgery and other routine medical stuff. We then headed to Denver for Bob’s beryllium surveillance testing which turned out okay. Then we stopped in Albuquerque where our friends Bob and Wilma joined us on their way from Arizona back home. We also met up with our friends TC and Linda while there. 

From Albuquerque we headed north to Colorado and along the way had some unplanned events mostly dealing with water. We have been dealing with a slideout leak for a long time and each time something is caulked or sealed or taped we kept thinking we had it fixed but we never did.  We finally gave up and had a slideout topper installed in South Dakota. While in South Dakota we the Pioneer Auto Museum in Murdo that included autos and great memorabilia. Also in South Dakota we visited the Corn Palace in Mitchell, we thought it was going to be corny, but it turned out to be terrific. But in South Dakota the alternator went out on the truck causing a couple of day without the truck. Stay tuned for more water stories, good and bad. 

Now some good water stories finally as we had a 9 week 2 day stretch where we had 9 weeks backed up to Lake Michigan, St. Mary River and the Portage River, all in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The views out our back window during those 9 weeks were amazing. Friends figured in as we met some friends again (Bob and Carol, Herb and Jan, Bob and Sandy at The Soo (aka Sault Ste. Marie Michigan) including new fulltimers Steve and Vicki. After The Soo we spent 6 weeks in Houghton Michigan where our friends Bob and Wilma joined us for a month. Jo had a bad foot sprain while in Houghton that required an ER visit and a week doing absolutely nothing. It got barely tolerable so we planned to take care of when we get back to Kerrville. We left Houghton and then moochdocked at our friends Bob and Carol’s place and then on their 2nd site at an RV park in southern Wisconsin. 

Family figured in as we headed to Iowa and Missouri. A couple of weeks in Iowa seeing Bob’s family and friends.  We then headed to the Kansas City Missouri area where we met up with Jo’s family and friends. We also met up with our old unplanned nemesis, bad water. Even after the slideout topper we still had water so the mobile service, which was one of many to caulk and seal, found a couple spots that might be letting in water so they caulked them and we haven’t had a leak since. After Kansas City we headed down to Kerrville for some more medical stuff, luckily this time mostly just routine checkin appointments except for Jo’s back and foot sprain. 

As usual we jammed a lifetime of vacations into this year but there is still so much more to see and do. We aren’t too sure about our plans for next year, we hope we can escape the heat of Texas for awhile in the summer and then back to the midwest in the fall. 

We hope everyone has a Happy New Year!! 

Till next time,

Bob and Jo

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