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Sunday, April 23, 2017


Currently in Albuquerque NM (Low 44 Sunny, Breezy this Afternoon High 76) 

It certainly was breezy yesterday evening. Barb from Gypsy and the Navigator warned us about the wind here in Albuquerque. When we got home from visiting friends last night the wind was gusting pretty strong so we decided to stow our Winegard satellite dish on the roof.

As it was stowing a big gust hit us and the Winegard lost it's mind. We got a flashing "EL Motor Home Failure" on the control box. Since it was almost midnight we decided to check it out this morning. After using the internet for good Bob got the steps to fix the problem from

Bob got on the roof and confirmed that all the connections were still good and that the antenna was in the "EL Hard Stop" position, or pointing straight up. Robert, an RV Mechanic on, responded to an earlier similar question and stated that the antenna needed to be calibrated and provided the steps. Bob went through the steps and got a calibration success. The antenna was then stowed and then powered on and found all the satellites so we are back in business.

There may be a lot of bad things on the internet but if you are choosy you can find the power of the internet for good.

Till next time,

Bob and Jo


  1. I agree. I have found so many answers for Jim on line. Not sure how we figured things out without it. Glad the problem is fixed.

  2. One of our friends had the same problem a few years back and found the answer on the Internet too. It is an amazing place for sure.

  3. That darn wind. Happy you got the problem solved.
