Check out these great foodie places

Monday, September 19, 2016


Currently in Claremore OK (Low 63 Mostly Sunny Currently 66)
Heading to Clinton OK (Currently 70 Sunny High 94)

Every once in awhile on the Escapees RV Club forums there is a discussion on the best pie to be had across the country. Hammett House Restaurant in Claremore was mentioned. Along with the pie the food was also said to be good so we decided to go there for lunch. One dish you don't see everywhere is lamb fries, aka Rocky Mountain Oysters. Hammett House also has turkey fries so we got a half order of each with fried okra.

That set the tone for the rest of the meal. We also split an order of chicken livers and fried green tomatoes.

Since everything was fried we were healthy in the choice of "Skinny Soup" (vegetable) and we drank water. Like we said earlier they had us at pie. Here is one of their signature pies, sour cream raisin. Here is Jo sampling the whipped cream topping.

We also got a piece of lemon pecan pie.

All the food was excellent and we would visit there again. Maybe even try some non-fried items. We have enough leftovers for a few meals so we will be having more fried stuff in the near future. We leave Claremore today and head to Clinton Oklahoma but we would like to visit here again if only to eat at Hammett House. 

Till next time,

Bob and Jo


  1. We will have to try this place if we ever get to that area. Great info. We are getting 300 to 900 hits a day on our blog and can't understand why. No help from Google trying to see what's going on. We usually gat 20 to 80 a day. Don't know why we got so "popular". Safe travels

  2. We both don't like too much fired food...but now the pie is a different story.
