Check out these great foodie places

Monday, April 20, 2015


Currently in Goodyear AZ (Low 57 Sunny High 89) 

Subtitled: Even a blind pig finds a truffle now and then

We know that we are not the greatest photographers in the world. We certainly don't have the equipment, just relying on a point and shoot automatic camera. We marvel at the shots that Judy of Travels with Emma and Al of The Bayfield Bunch, to name just a couple of the great bloggers and photographers that we follow. But every once in while we get lucky and get a good shot, at least to us. It is incredibly rare when others feel the same way.

We recently were surprised when we got an email from Lake Superior Magazine, the 2014 Minnesota Magazine of the Year. They were looking over the shots on our Flickr site, Bob and Jo Travel Photos, that we took on a recent trip to the Upper Peninsula and was wondering if one of our shots could be published in their magazine.

From the magazine, "The Keweenaw Snow Gauge marks the season's snowfall total and all-time records. (The snowiest winter on the books? 1978-79's 390.4 inches.)" We first had to get permission of our friends Bob and Wilma who agreed to become famous as the first people to be in a published Baskerville photo :-)

We both got a copy of the printed magazine but then we got wondering if it was available online. Lo and behold it is available here, Kitschy Kitchi Gami: Big Stuff by the Big Lake. It is number 16 of 22 "delightfully quirky sideshows for travelers called "roadside attractions or, more simply Big Things", per the magazine article.

We will continue touring this great country and taking photographs that interest us, once we can get out of Goodyear this year that is, maybe another published one is just around the corner :-)

Till next time,

Bob and Jo


  1. Congratulations! You are now officially professionals:)

  2. Congratulations. We can now say we know some "Big Shots" in the magazine field.

  3. How fun. Congrats you guys. I'm going to figure out a time when we can get together, but it won't be this week.

  4. Good for you! What are you going to do with all the money from the royalties?? ;)
