Check out these great foodie places

Monday, October 20, 2014


Currently in Eagle Nest NM (Low 23 Foggy then Partly Sunny Currently 33)
Heading to Rio Rancho NM (Currently 43 Storms in Spots High 72) 

Golden Eagle RV Park in Eagle Nest New Mexico is a nice park in northern New Mexico along the Enchanted Highway Scenic Byway. More gravel is needed on the sites but other than that it is OK. It is pretty scenic, here is our view out our front door.

The Cameo from the front.

To the right showing the north end of Eagle Nest Lake.

To the left, as you can see we are pretty lonely here this time of the year.

From the back showing the dish with a good line of sight and the mountains on the other side.

JJ and Sandra liked the park, here they are together checking something out.

With overnight temperatures in the low 20s and a temperamental furnace that quit working below freezing we are ready to leave. We are not sure if it is altitude, we are at 8300', or water in the propane or oil in the propane or a bad regulator or a bad thermostat or a bad board on the furnace. We need to do some more troubleshooting down the road. So, Lord willing and the slideout comes in, AND the brakes work all the way, we are heading to Rio Rancho New Mexico just north of Albuquerque.

Till next time,

Bob and Jo


  1. I read the temperature at the top of the post and I thought - it is way too cold to be there. Sure hope it's warmer in Albuquerque because we're going to be there sometime next week.

  2. We cruised in the car by M & M a couple times.

  3. Looks pretty lonely. Time to head to warmer climes:)
