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Monday, December 9, 2013


Goodyear AZ (Low 30 Sunny High 55)

A Place for Everything - and Everything in it's Place

When you get a system in place you have to stick to it. That includes buying the same sized accessories that you use inside your RV. We first noticed this when we bought olive oil, the jar had to be the same size to fit where the old one was. We were reminded of that when we did our reorganizing after we were able to move back in after our repairs and upgrades. Here is our paper products drawer being rebuilt.

First the snack bags,

Then the aluminum foil

Then the wax paper

Then the press 'n seal, which is so much better than sarann wrap

Then the gallon ziploc bags

Then the quart ziploc bags

Finally, the chip clips and twist ties

A Place for Everything - and Everything in it's Place

Till next time,

Bob and Jo


  1. So you like that press and seal stuff. I may just have to try it out. I am so tired of fighting with saran wrap. You are much more organized than I am. I have sandwich and quart size bags in one drawer and the rest of the stuff under the TV. I figure as long as I can find it I'm doing okay. Sent Jim out to get Dawn and he came back with a huge bottle. Haven't quit figured out what I'm going to do with it.

    1. Use press and seal once and you will throw away the saran wrap and never use it again.

  2. Do you maintain a drawer by drawer, cabinet by cabinet, bay by bay inventory?

    1. That would take the fun of trying to find something wouldn't it :-)

  3. I can see why you must buy the same size of each item:)

  4. that's being organized!

  5. Its great to get organized. But remember the "code " , something in, something out.
