Check out these great foodie places

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Balmorhea TX (Low 26 Cold then Warming)
Las Cruces NM (Sunshine Mixing with Clouds High 50)

We got a call early morning yesterday from the mobile RV techs who were on their way to install our new motor. They installed it and we ran it to check it out and it worked!! We were amazed at how much quieter the new motor was. Since it was still early in the day we decided to pack up and head to our next destination, Balmorhea State Park, still in Texas.

It was about 220 miles to Balmorhea State Park and we only have water and electric but that is OK as we are only staying 1 night. We want to get to our winter home next Monday if all goes well so we are taking slightly longer trips.

A couple more random observations:
- everybody knows Texas is huge but until you drive it at 150-200 miles per trip you really don't know how large.
- while towing at 65 mph in a 80 mph speed zone the other vehicles can come up on you pretty fast. It was like nothing, vehicle in distance, vehicle coming up on you, vehicle past you, just that fast.
- we have gotten lazy in remembering our parking spot, we just have to walk out of the store and remember the general area because you can see our pickup from a distance. Let us tell you there are a lot of white one ton dually pickups in Texas :-)

It is off to Las Cruces New Mexico today for a couple of nights.

Till next time,

Bob and Jo


  1. Balmorhea State Park is so nice.

    Paul goes crazy when we have to drive across Texas. It takes three days....three LONG days.

  2. I had to laugh over the pickups in Texas comment. Same way in Montana. Sure glad to hear your slide is working and you were able to get on your way.

  3. Glad everything worked out for you. Yes Texas is BIG. But we like TX, especially the Hill country.

  4. Enjoy Las Cruces for ALL of us! Been thinking of you guys! Save Travels to AZ! Glad all is DONE and that you are on your way!
