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Thursday, July 18, 2013


Houghton MI (Low 67 Rainy High 79)

Sorry that we have not blogged for awhile but we have had quite a time recently. At one time our laptop and Bob's tablet were both out of commission so that severely limited our blogging, both posting and reading. We are about a week behind in reading and way behind in posting.

We had some flooding problems that caused a whole lot of cleaning, professional and personal, in addition to the laptop and tablet outages. We were just getting settled after the flood then our transfer switch almost caused a fire which we will blog about later. Finally the fan blower on the truck is making a horrible noise so we are getting that fixed. Our effect on weather is also kicking in with highs near 90 when the average is 75. We hope that our troubles, or plagues as we have begun to call them, are over.

But things are looking up, friends have arrived for a month and yesterday we had a fairly normal fulltiming day with them with great food and sightseeing on the Keweenaw Peninsula which we will also blog about later. And more friends are coming up later this month for a week.

Remember we told you it was still basically Spring here awhile ago, well it's true. We are in the peak of fresh strawberry season. Everywhere on the side of the road is kids manning a card table with quarts and quarts of fresh strawberries that are very good. A little on the tart side compared to other parts of the country but fresh picked each morning.

We plan to stay until the end of August and then hightail it back to the Kansas City area for maintenance on the Cameo and for doctor's appointments.

Till next time,

Bob and Jo


  1. Sounds like you've had way too many problems lately. Sure hope they are all in the past and you can now just enjoy, enjoy, and have fun, fun, fun.

  2. Sure hope the plaques have ended. Not sure if I counted seven or not:)

    1. Forgot to mention ants not there one day then swarming the next so that makes seven!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. How are the wild blueberries and thimbleberries coming along?

    1. Been a late year, saw some wild thimbleberries and they are a ways off.

  5. We had a flood in our Carri lite caused by a by pass valve in a closet. Had the bypass valve bypassed. A very long story. Still not sure what the purpose of the valve was, but now its gone and all seems well.

  6. We missed you! Glad all your issues are taken care of and you can now enjoy the good life once again.

  7. We are enjoying reading about your travels in Michigan. In September 2014, we plan to travel the "mitten" and UP. My dad's family were Yoopers and we have an interesting family history up there. (Heroic sea captains who performed rescues on Lake Superior.)

    Thanks for all you blogs on Michigan.
