Check out these great foodie places

Friday, May 17, 2013


Clear Lake IA (Low 58 A Couple of Thunderstorms High 78)

After our great tour of the Surf Ballroom we went to the crash site. The directions on the pamphlet lead us right to this marker.

At this intersection.

The crash site was, and still is, on private property but the farmer allows the public to come and pay their respects which we think is neat. Here is the quarter mile trail along the fence row to get to the site.

Here is the crash site, nothing remains from the original crash but a memorial has been setup.

Here is a memorial to the forgotten man of that crash, Roger Peterson.

Roger was the 21 year old pilot of the Beechcraft Bonanza that took off from the Mason City airport and then crashed in a farm field just north of Clear Lake. In June 1988 a granite memorial was placed outside of the Surf Ballroom listing the names of the three entertainers and Roger.

At the dedication was the families of all four victims, the first time all four families had ever been together.

Here is the memorial to the three entertainers.

Here is a memorial to the hits of the three entertainers.

A sad ending for all involved.

Till next time,

Bob and Jo


  1. What a nice guy - to let people on his land. That was a very sad day.

  2. The site looks completely different, when we were there the corn was over our heads.

  3. Thanks for the visit ! It hasn't changed much over the years. One year on the way to the sugarbeet harvest Betty dozed off over on I-29 and woke up looking at the glasses, miles off of route. I just grinned at her and said, " see what can happen when I am left un supervised !"
