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Thursday, May 2, 2013


Subtitled: Weather Gods Have Found Us 

Waukee IA (Low 34 Cloudy with snow tapering off High 43)

That right, you read it right, snow tapering off, and it is May 2nd for crying out loud. Here are the views from our windows we woke up to today.

We had "planned" to leave today, needless to say we are not going anywhere. It took awhile for the weather gods to find us but they sure did. After we left the Kansas City area the next couple of days there were in the 50s and rainy while in Waukee near Des Moines we were in the 70s and sunny. Both areas are now being hit with this storm we guess just to make sure we get our last taste of winter.

This is getting ridiculous,

Till next time,

Bob and Jo


  1. I cannot believe the horrible weather you guys are facing. I agree - it is just ridiculous. Tell it to stop now!!

  2. When you left the camp ground down here you should have made a left on I-49 (71) instead of the right..just saying

  3. Getting ridiculous is an understatement! We are so sorry that this stupid weather is giving you two fits. We will try to send you some of our better weather.

  4. Here's a perspective--we seem to be "taking the weather" of North Ranch with us.Temps in the high 80's, low 90's.... We are betting big bucks that all this will stop at the Oregon border. Sounds like those weather gods waved some kind of wand...matching weather for us travelers. We'll be glad to share our heat! Let's hope all this stops tomorrow as we enter Oregon. But...NO snow either! Save AND warmer travels!

  5. Unbelieveable! We had to stay in the RV all afternoon on Tuesday because it was way to hot to go out. Valley of Fire NV.

  6. someone ought to find that groundhog
