Check out these great foodie places

Monday, January 29, 2018


Currently in Kerrville TX (Low 31 Sunny High 64) 

During the cold spell we recently had with ice Bob had some time to work on our 2018 plans. Here is the back window after the overnight ice.

We weren't certain of our departure date so decided to go to Denver for Bob's Beryllium testing in the spring and then head to the Upper Peninsula for the summer. By doing this we can avoid tornado alley states of Oklahoma-Nebraska-Kansas-Iowa in the spring and visit them in the fall. We have a couple of weeks at The Soo (Sault Ste. Marie) and over a month in Houghton. Then it's down to Iowa/Nebraska/Missouri for family and friends before we head back to Kerrville. Here is a map of our 'planned' 2018 travels.

After last summer being so hot for our travels we are looking forward to the cooler temperatures, and the pasties of course, in the Upper Peninsula. 

Bob is calling this year the 'Redemption Tour' because he can redeem himself for forgetting to buy some regional favorites before leaving an area and then enjoying them down the road, or not enjoying them since he forgot them 😀

Till next time,

Bob and Jo

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


Currently in Kerrville TX (Low 24 Sunny High 57) 

We've had a couple of 10 year anniversaries recently. 

In January 2008 we joined the Escapees RV Club. Between the forums and magazine and the mail forwarding service Escapees is a good resource for fulltimers and anybody with a RV.

And on January 22, 2008 Bob began his retirement. We cannot believe it has been 10 years. 

Also can't believe it but we are still going through the medical appointments gauntlet. This time it is mostly Jo though. Bob is recovering very well from his thyroid removal surgery. So far he has adapted to the thyroid medication. He gets that checked in early February.

Till next time,

Bob and Jo

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Currently in Kerrville TX (Low 36 Clouds and then Sun High 67) 

Jo celebrates her 70th birthday today.

We cannot believe that we met almost 30 years ago and have been married twenty-six and a half years. Bob cannot believe he got so lucky to spend his life with such an amazing woman. Happy Birthday Jo!!

In honor of Jo's brother-in-law Bennie Jo got her free meal at Denny's earlier today. There isn't as many free birthday meals in this area so we have to get what we can.

It seems like all we have done is doctor's appointments and we amassed a pretty amazing list; colonoscopy, cardiologist, teeth, thyroid, podiatrist, dermatologist, new glasses, etc. We saw this great quote from Mike Mills of "Phannie and Mae" that sums it up pretty good, "I have to confess that, since I've never gotten old before, I was a bit unprepared for the seemingly endless treks to health professionals that must be made in order to keep getting this carcass out of bed every morning. I'm not complaining, however; there are so many who don't get the privilege of getting old, much less leading the active lifestyle we enjoy. All I can say is, Thank God ..."

Well said Mike, couldn't have said it better.

Till next time,

Bob and Jo